DC Affordable Law Firm generally serves individuals and families whose income level is within 200% - 400% of the Federal Poverty Level, offering a range of free and low-cost legal services.
2024 Federal Guidelines
Our Fees
We offer clear and predictable payment options for clients to ensure they know the maximum monthly and overall costs specific to their case type and scope of representation.
Please contact our office at (202) 844-5430 with any questions regarding eligibility for our services.
*Qualifying clients will pay, at most, $200 for a consultation to receive preliminary legal advice from a DCALF attorney, depending on household size, household income, and residency. Fees may be waved for clients, depending on available funds and practice area.
**Following a consultation, we offer interested clients a range of individualized representation options based on their legal needs and representation goals, and DCALF’s thoughtful review of legal claims and avenues for relief.
“From the very first consultation, the DCALF attorneys made me feel heard and validated. They acknowledged my pain and the injustice I had experienced, and supported my desire to pursue a just outcome…. My attorneys listened attentively to my fears and concerns, provided answers and insights to resolve my questions and points of confusion, and supported my goals every step of the way. Despite the uncertainty and fear that often consumed me throughout the process, I knew that I had DCALF on my side….I remain and will continue to be extremely grateful for DCALF and the services they provide to the people who need them most.”
— Mrs. M, DCALF Client