DCALF supports DC residents who do not qualify for traditional forms of free legal aid and cannot afford costly legal representation. We are passionate, diligent advocates for our clients and strive to provide accessible and affordable legal services to address our clients’ goals and needs.
What We Do
Family Law
We provide representation in various family law issues, including alimony, child custody and visitation, child support, custodial power of attorney, and divorce.
We offer humanitarian and non-humanitarian immigration law services, representing immigrants before US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the Arlington Asylum Office, and the local immigration courts.
Probate and Estate Planning
We provide estate and end-of-life planning services, such as drafting Wills or Powers of Attorney, and represent clients in administering estates when loved ones die without plans in place.
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“Words cannot fully express my gratitude and affection for my legal team…They impressed me with their skill, instincts, perception and strength of character in a complicated situation that they fell into late in the process. Their grasp of the legal concepts, of the situation and its gravity for my life was impressive and touching.”
— Jo, DCALF Client